Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril – Chapter 1, Part 1

Mournstar, 9th of Ossithym, UIP. 106 Captain Urilof decided now was the time to launch our first operation to slow the enemy down, and start our long planned strike back at Radukar and his lieutenants. Before, we just played the long game of small tasks, observing enemy occupations, delivering messages to surviving groups of theContinue reading “Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril – Chapter 1, Part 1”

Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril part 0

This adventure will deviate from what the original boxed game established for playing WHQ: Cursed City. The events that take place in this campaign run parallel with those Heroes on the Adamant, however, the campaign features new heroes who have different means of accessing travel around Ulfenkarn. It is assumed that those of the AdamantContinue reading “Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril part 0”


In this city of the dead, you cannot outrun the Undead, nor the wolves of the Vyrkos… Awhile back this year, I got myself a copy of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City second hand for only £20 without the miniatures. In comparison to second hand copies of the previous two AoS Warhammer Quest boxsets at £45Continue reading “◆WHQ: CURSED CITY CAMPAIGN: Preparation ◆”

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