The last three named WHFB Skaven miniatures

[Ed: This was originally going to be published a lot sooner in early April, but due to the fairly recent anouncement of several AoS ranges retiring (including several classic Skaven miniatures), I’ve decided to postpone this post until things were clearer after the dust settled from the news]. This week ends on an era ofContinue reading “The last three named WHFB Skaven miniatures”

Coming soon…

In the not too distant future, war robots fought for mankinds war against each other. Whilst the generals took their seats in safety down below, the robots however became the bodies sent to the meat grinder. These soldiers were known as the ABC Warriors of the West, and the Eastern opposition, the Volgans. Review comingContinue reading “Coming soon…”

Large Terrain Board Project – WIP part 10

I was going to start this post with, “there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now folks”, but that would imply that the end would be better than the journey. I have to say, like with life, the journey is much more fun. So, I’ll say that the journey is still going forContinue reading “Large Terrain Board Project – WIP part 10”

The 34th Vault opens again (March Edition)

Lately I’ve been busy with life and doing some hobbying here and there. I’ve not had a chance to sit down and write some blog posts. I’d like to share some thoughts about whats been going on with my hobby of late. TAKING A BREAK FROM F:WW This part will be very negative, and I’veContinue reading “The 34th Vault opens again (March Edition)”

Starting Battletech (Alpha Strike)

A few years ago, roughly around the time when Warhammer+ was online, and how it subsequently got a lot of flak by the community over the termination of some fan made film projects based on the Warhammer IP. I read a lot of comments about this game called Battletech. Battletech? I’ve heard of Robotech, butContinue reading “Starting Battletech (Alpha Strike)”

Anvilgard Project: A Warhammer Quest

On 31st May 2023, I made a blog post about getting back into tabletop wargaming, specifically in relation to Warhammer AoS as a solo gaming experience. Much time has passed since that post’s publication. Since then, my goals have mostly stayed on track, but changes had been made from testing ideas into practice as wellContinue reading “Anvilgard Project: A Warhammer Quest”

My final post of 2023

I’m back once more after a brief hiatus sorting out a ton of stuff good and bad. This year’s has been something for sure, from doing more outside of WordPress to primarily being just a WordPress content creator (as well as my fan made projects over on the Modiphius Forums). That came from the realisationContinue reading “My final post of 2023”

Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril – Chapter 1, Part 1

Mournstar, 9th of Ossithym, UIP. 106 Captain Urilof decided now was the time to launch our first operation to slow the enemy down, and start our long planned strike back at Radukar and his lieutenants. Before, we just played the long game of small tasks, observing enemy occupations, delivering messages to surviving groups of theContinue reading “Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril – Chapter 1, Part 1”

Them Red’s are coming…

What if there were miniatures of the Chinese Remnants from Fallout 3 (and Anchorage DLC) as well as parts from Fallout 4 and Fallout 76? Vermillion Miniatures did a wave release of unofficial Fallout miniatures based on the theme of ‘The Red Menace’. Making several model types available as STL downloads or for physical printsContinue reading “Them Red’s are coming…”

Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril part 0

This adventure will deviate from what the original boxed game established for playing WHQ: Cursed City. The events that take place in this campaign run parallel with those Heroes on the Adamant, however, the campaign features new heroes who have different means of accessing travel around Ulfenkarn. It is assumed that those of the AdamantContinue reading “Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril part 0”

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