The 34th Vault opens again (March Edition)

Lately I’ve been busy with life and doing some hobbying here and there. I’ve not had a chance to sit down and write some blog posts. I’d like to share some thoughts about whats been going on with my hobby of late. TAKING A BREAK FROM F:WW This part will be very negative, and I’veContinue reading “The 34th Vault opens again (March Edition)”

My final post of 2023

I’m back once more after a brief hiatus sorting out a ton of stuff good and bad. This year’s has been something for sure, from doing more outside of WordPress to primarily being just a WordPress content creator (as well as my fan made projects over on the Modiphius Forums). That came from the realisationContinue reading “My final post of 2023”

Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril – Chapter 1, Part 1

Mournstar, 9th of Ossithym, UIP. 106 Captain Urilof decided now was the time to launch our first operation to slow the enemy down, and start our long planned strike back at Radukar and his lieutenants. Before, we just played the long game of small tasks, observing enemy occupations, delivering messages to surviving groups of theContinue reading “Warhammer Quest – Cursed City: Ulfenkarn in Peril – Chapter 1, Part 1”

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