
First of all, I apologise for not posting the first part In Chapter I of the WHQ: Cursed City Campaign. Due to coming down with a bug, I had to put that aside until I got better. Fortunately, I’m a lot better now, so working on that series will resume. Second, and one you mayContinue reading “Update”

Gamma Wolves: Episode 1- Learning the Ropes

Just a short post today to show how my first ‘proper’ gaming experience went for playing Gamma Wolves. I used a (if I remember rightly) a 2×2 gaming mat with two Medium Frames on 100mm bases at 1/144 scale. They more or less can move around and cover some distance, just the right sort ofContinue reading “Gamma Wolves: Episode 1- Learning the Ropes”

Gamma Wolves: Episode 0

This is my first blog post covering Gamma Wolves, a post-apocalyptic mecha tabletop wargame, created by Ash Barker of Guerilla Miniature Games YouTube channel. My first encounter with Gamma Wolves was thanks to the YouTube Algorithm for suggesting a video featuring a custom Gunpla as a thumbnail. Intrigued, I watched the video and discovered aContinue reading “Gamma Wolves: Episode 0”

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