Civil War of Anvilgard collection: Part 3

We’re back once more to the bloody event of the Civil War of Anvilgard. Where once men and women fought side by side in a city united by three races of Humans, Aelves and Duardin. Only for the vengeful duplicity and crafty planning at long last unleashed by the then recent ascension to godhead, Morathi-Khaine.Continue reading “Civil War of Anvilgard collection: Part 3”

Civil War of Anvilgard collection: Part 2

Continuing on from my first post in this new hobby collection series. Last time I went over the lore of the civil war that essentially changed the perception of those fighting on the side of the Forces of Order. Now that Morathi-Khaine has claimed the Freecity of Anvilgard, renaming it’s the city of Har Kuron.Continue reading “Civil War of Anvilgard collection: Part 2”

Civil War of Anvilgard collection: Part 1

Welcome to the first of many posts that will be series covering my collection of the Anvilgard Civil War (and its post war continuation as Har Kuron). This project will not only be part of my solo campaign games using the AoS 2.0 ruleset, but also using for the majority of this setting for Warcry.Continue reading “Civil War of Anvilgard collection: Part 1”

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